On the 5️⃣ day workweek

even though my first week back in the saddle of Full Time tech work was a mere 4 days….
by Friday afternoon I was 100% draiiiinnnneeeddddd of my lifeforce
so much so husbs found me knocked out dead asleep on the couch at ~5:30pm
so sweet is siren call of retail and/or part-time work and/or completely draining my "fuck you” fund 🖕🖕🖕 to avoid an actual full 5 day work week as a knowledge worker in tech

part of this was hopping back on meds for a full 4d in a row. stimulants prescribed for ADHD create a crash kind of like a hangover. A crash that can turn me into a sleepy crabapple with a short fuse. Real cute right?
unfortunately while medication gives it also takes, since as we know nothing in life comes without a tradeoff.
for me the 8+ hour workday, 5 day workweek feels like a rip off of the most valuable commodity I have, time where I have a normal amount of ~executive function~ which as it turns out is pretty important for biznass skills like responding to emails aaaand human skills like remembering to move clothes from the washer → dryer or even being able to recognize if I am hungry or thirsty

at the end of my first week, despite lovely teammates, a warm welcome back and 0 oncall 📟 (again I cannot stress enough 0 oncall is a big part of addressing my burnout) I am even more on team #4dayworkweek (I’m actually on team #0dayworkweek but you know, baby steps)
every company I work for, every single HR survey in the open text box comment section I advocate for a 4 day work week and link to the successful experiments Microsoft, Scotland, Spain, Iceland, New Zealand, and more have done.
When asked how they would spend their extra day off, meeting up with family was the most popular activity across all generations (66%)
25% said they would use the time to volunteer
92% of people support it and say it would improve their mental health and productivity, according to a January Qualtrics survey of 1,021 people

PS just finished Phoebe Robinson’s Please Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes: Essays A+ read, so funny, relatable, a great recap/reflection on her pandemic life experiences. next up is some Octavia Butler 💟 💟 💟
PPS was recently reminded of the spectacular scandal of Juicero, one of my personal faves
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